University of Michigan Library Digital Preservation Principles

Noah Botimer, Aaron Elkiss, Kat Hagedorn, Sebastien Korner, Jeremy Morse, James Ottaviani, Chris Powell, Lance Stuchell, and John Weise


Executive Summary

This document describes the most important digital preservation characteristics of repository systems in operation at the University of Michigan Library so that product owners and stakeholders can benefit from this experience when designing new preservation repository systems.

University of Michigan Library Information Technology (LIT) has been developing and operating digital preservation repositories for over 20 years. The repository services and their underlying systems were designed to reflect emerging preservation principles while meeting identified needs and providing desired services. Understanding the decisions made in these services and systems is imperative for formulating a strategy for future repository solutions and for engaging with preservation partners in the Library, the University, and in the broader academic community.

Background and Methodology

The Preservation Principles investigation team convened in March 2018 to review the repository systems in use since 1995 at the University of Michigan Library:

University of Michigan digital collections

  • Pre-DLXS digital collections, 1995-present
  • Digital Library eXtension Service (DLXS) image and text collections, 1999 - present
  • ObjectClass, under development
  • Deep Blue Docs, 2006 - present
  • HathiTrust, 2008-present
  • Deep Blue Data, 2016 - present
  • Fulcrum, 2016 - present
  • Dark Blue, 2017 - present

For each system, we discussed the problem it was attempting to solve, the history of how it was developed, and its preservation characteristics. We discussed how each characteristic derived from the needs of the system and the understanding of digital preservation at the time that it was built.

We then identified a number of significant preservation characteristics that were shared by multiple systems and that seemed important to consider for the design of future repository systems. These characteristics do not by themselves prescribe a preservation strategy or dictate how a specific future system should be built, but they can serve as a guide for developing such a strategy.

Catalog of Digital Preservation Characteristics

The characteristics identified are collected in a catalog herein. They are not prescriptive requirements that must be met by any future system, nor is this an exhaustive description of all preservation characteristics of every system LIT has built. Neither are all characteristics exhibited by every system under discussion (some are, in fact, mutually exclusive). Rather, this catalog is a summary of past experience and a guide to important factors to consider when designing future systems.

The characteristics are organized into the following categories:

  • Storage and Fixity: How the system deals with storage and file integrity at the lowest levels
  • Formats and Content: How the system deals with preserved content and specific file formats
  • Metadata: How the system deals with metadata about the preserved content
  • Sustainability: How the system stays viable over time

For each digital preservation characteristic, we give a brief description, examples of how it appears in existing systems, and a reflection on how it has worked in practice and when or how it might apply to future systems.

Storage and Fixity

These characteristics relate to how the system deals with storage and file integrity at the lowest levels.

Ability to audit storage

The system implements technical functions for ensuring repository integrity and consistency subsequent to content ingest. This enables long-term bit-level preservation and supports future preservation actions including storage or format migrations.


  • Samvera-based systems (via Fedora) - on an object-by-object basis
  • Deep Blue Docs - with DSpace functionality
  • HathiTrust - home-grown audit scripts
  • Dark Blue - built-in individual object and whole-repository auditing

Does not implement:

  • DLXS - some checksum files, but they are known to be inaccurate
  • Pre-DLXS digital collections

Storage auditing is a core feature for bit-level preservation. At a minimum, it ensures that any changes to preserved files are intentional and take place within view of the system. Newer systems (HathiTrust, Dark Blue) implement repository auditing in a scalable and sustainable fashion. Vended systems (Fedora, DSpace) have some functionality for this as well. Objects in DLXS had some checksum information stored with the object, but these were not regularly checked and over time updates to objects without corresponding checksum updates caused the checksums to become unreliable. Although most of our systems do implement this functionality, we do not regularly audit all repositories. There are cases where we have not tuned the audits to reduce false alarms, and because of this we do not always promptly follow up on problems. Over time, this poses a risk to repository integrity.

Storage Redundancy

The system ensures that multiple copies of the content are stored at all times, using at least two different storage technologies/systems, so that failure of one system does not result in loss of content.

  • Samvera-based systems, DLXS, Deep Blue – MiStorage with replication + IBM Spectrum Protect (formerly known as Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM))
  • HathiTrust – replicated Isilon storage + TSM
  • Dark Blue – MiStorage w/o replication & Amazon Web Services (AWS) backup

Along with fixity, storage redundancy is a key digital preservation practice, and all of our repositories exhibit this characteristic. They also incorporate technological diversity with separate storage technologies in use for the online storage and the backup. Geographical diversity is a bonus, but in the past we have not considered the risks to the Ann Arbor area to be severe enough to warrant ensuring that all content is backed up to a geographical area with a different risk profile. Although all repositories have storage redundancy, only HathiTrust has direct / unmediated access to the redundant copy. Although all systems have some level of preservation storage redundancy, only HathiTrust and DLXS currently have redundancy in their access systems, largely due to design decisions in external software solutions like Fedora and DSpace. Some content is now backed up to AWS in addition to being stored on campus. Some unique, high-value content from HathiTrust and DLXS is preserved via other organizations such as (APTrust, DuraCloud Vault, CLOCKSS) as well, but to date organizational diversity has not been a key consideration for most content.


The primary preservation functions are carried out on servers and storage hosted on campus and managed by Library IT to ensure transparency and appropriate configuration.

  • Deep Blue Docs, Deep Blue Data, Fulcrum, DLXS – Servers managed by LIT; primary and backup storage managed by ITS
  • HathiTrust – Servers managed by LIT; primary storage managed by LIT, backup managed by ITS
  • Dark Blue – Servers managed by LIT; primary storage managed by ITS, backup storage in AWS.

All servers for all preservation repositories are currently located on premises and are managed by LIT. The storage is managed by MiStorage now in most cases, but is still accessed via LIT servers and hosted on campus premises. Most backups are currently on campus as well, although Dark Blue is now being backed up to AWS and likely HathiTrust will be in the future as well (in addition to an on-campus backup copy). We would likely not consider an AWS-only storage solution sound preservation strategy due to the lack of transparency and lack of explicit preservation commitments on the part of Amazon, but it can still function to help ensure storage redundancy and geographic and technological diversity. For fully self-hosted servers and storage (such as with HathiTrust) we can exercise close control to ensure storage is managed in the best possible way for digital preservation. However, there are many cases in which we are already relying on storage managed elsewhere on campus for purposes that may not directly align with digital preservation. This may point to a need to mitigate risk by ensuring additional storage copies or additional technological diversity.

Content recoverable from the filesystem

The system stores content as regular files on disk in such a way that recovery of the content and arrangement into conceptual objects requires only an operating system that can interpret the filesystem and an accurate description of the on-disk layout. This helps enable future preservation actions such as storage or software migrations.


  • Dark Blue - stored as bags on disk; bag metadata has barcodes.
  • HathiTrust - stored as flat zip + METS named with object ID
  • DLXS (TextClass) - all page images for a volume stored in a directory named with the item ID
  • DLXS (ImageClass) - individual images stored in directories under their collection identifier

Does not implement:

  • Samvera-based systems - files stored by checksum in ModeShape repository underlying Fedora.

Most of our repositories store content organized by object in directories on disk with some kind of manifest. This helps decouple the storage and preservation functions of the repository from other functions such as ingest and access and minimizes risks to content through software failure or obsolescence. Fedora plans to implement the Oxford Common Filesystem Layout (OCFL) to help address this problem, and it seems likely that we will implement OCFL for Dark Blue and ObjectClass as well. The lack of implementation for Samvera-based systems can be mitigated by extracting content and depositing as Bags, as Fulcrum plans to do via APTrust later in 2019.

Formats and Content

These characteristics relate to how the system deals with preserved content and specific file formats. There are two major axes: what kinds of content systems accept for preservation, and how migrations are managed in the system. Different kinds of content may be preserved and managed in different ways within the same system.

Advisory content characterization or validation

The system provides some technical ability for characterization or validation, but does not enforce normalization or validity either by policy or technical control.

  • Deep Blue Docs, Deep Blue Data: Self deposit, with guidelines indicating what content types can be preserved
  • ImageClass, Fulcrum (Assets): There were guidelines for file formats, and content was characterized at ingest time, but ultimately any well-formed content is preserved.

Several systems (Deep Blue Docs, Deep Blue Data, ImageClass, Fulcrum) have recommendations or guidelines for deposit but ultimately accept content even if it does not conform to the guidelines. Whether a system enforces technical controls on content is primarily related to whether the system accepts most or all content vs. whether the material can be tightly controlled and validated prior to ingest into the system. Repositories with self-deposit capabilities (Deep Blue) and repositories that need to accept arbitrary born-digital material (Dark Blue) may be able to provide only bit-level preservation on some material. Material is sometimes explicitly tagged with the level of preservation that is being provided for specific content (cf. Deep Blue preservation levels), Repositories with more tightly controlled kinds of content (e.g., HathiTrust) can afford to require format identification and validation for all content, but this comes at the cost of substantially reduced flexibility in what can be accepted. Repositories that create access derivatives rather than providing the preservation copy directly do more content validation, even if it is implicit – if nothing else, the preservation copy needs to be intact enough for the system to create access derivatives.

Enforced content normalization and validation

Policies and/or technical controls ensure consistency of what is preserved in the repository, enabling future actions based on migration policies at scale.

  • HathiTrust - all digitized book content, normalized to all look the same for the most part; difficult to add support for new content models (e.g. EPUB)
  • Dark Blue - each content type must pass validation. some content types (digital forensics) allow more variation than others (audio/video)
  • DLXS (TextClass) - policies and procedures existed around normalization, but few technical controls to ensure them.
  • DLXS (ImageClass) - content is not normalized; presentation is normalized via format conversion and metadata mapping at access time.
  • Fulcrum (ebooks) - EPUB content is validated

Enforcement of content validation and file naming conventions typically occurs at ingest time. In general, we have implemented some kind of normalization for similar kinds of content within the bounds of a repository. In some cases, there was normalization attempted but not many technical controls to ensure the outcome of the normalization was as expected. In TextClass, for the digitized books with page images, there were strict policies around management and control of the file naming, locations, and properties, but not always verification of those properties. We believed at the time that we were adhering to certain standards but had no way to test some of them in the earliest days. ImageClass relies on mapping the preservation images to alternative, normalized representations. Though ImageClass is very flexible, there was an attempt to create one way of doing things. For example, metadata mapping is highly configurable, and this feature is available to be applied to every collection, in a consistent, documented way.

Policy-based commitment to migration strategies

The repository has documented policies on supported file types and preservation commitments, but does not implement support for migrations within the scope of the system, so that effort isn’t spent on automating tasks that will be done rarely (if ever).

  • Deep Blue Docs, Deep Blue Data, Fulcrum: Policies describe the level of preservation for various content types; the system ultimately accepts any content.
  • DLXS: Policies and practices for preservation and migration exist, but large variations exist in how content was managed over the years.

Some repositories specify a policy around what should be deposited or what could be managed without technical controls to enforce those policies. In many cases, technical controls might not even be fully possible to implement - for example, administrative users can usually bypass controls with various degrees of effort, and depositors could submit material with misleading metadata. There is still a spectrum of controls, and in general, newer repositories implement more of them. However, understanding and implementation in newer repositories has lead to changes in older repositories. For example, in DLXS, digital preservation was always our intent. Over the years, our understanding, and in some cases execution (e.g. HathiTrust), of digital preservation evolved dramatically, while the policies and practices surrounding DLXS, were not brought forward. There is a relationship between the diversity of content the repository is expected to accept and the level of control of management the repository can provide. Policies around preservable content are more flexible than technological implementations but also somewhat more risky in that policies might not always be followed.

Controlled content migrations

Policies as well as technical safeguards are in place to prevent unexpected changes to content.

  • HathiTrust - restricted write access to the repository; policies to prevent manual editing & procedures for automatic migration.
  • Dark Blue - controlled access to repository storage; migrations would be controlled similarly to HathiTrust.
  • Fulcrum - controlled access to admin features and ingest/update tools.

Newer repositories tend to have more tightly controlled access. For example, in DLXS, all staff have write access to the repository, but are expected to follow specific procedures when updating content. Not all these procedures are well-documented, and the relatively wide access combined with lack of documentation has led to some inconsistencies in content over the years. HathiTrust and Dark Blue tightly control write access to the underlying storage to try to ensure that all preservation actions take place through the system, but this control is still somewhat indirect. Fulcrum workflows favor a batch import script, which allows for the highest degree of restriction on write access to the repository, and also enforces consistency of practice. However, Hyrax’s GUI-based ingest tools still exist and allow the possibility for a divergence of practice. While access to the GUI ingest is also restricted, workflows and consistency of practice are still works in progress, so currently Fulcrum is prone to the same limitations as DLXS has had.

Guarantee of comparability of access & preservation copies

Policies and technical controls ensure that the access copy reflects the preservation copy to maintain parity and detect anomalies with the preservation copy or derivative generation.

  • DLXS (TextClass), HathiTrust - access copy derived on-demand
  • Deep Blue Docs, Deep Blue Data - preservation copy is delivered directly (no separate access copy)
  • Dark Blue - preservation copy available to re-derive access copy
  • DLXS (ImageClass) - preservation copy available to re-derive access copy
  • Fulcrum - Formats that are viewable in the UI: preservation copy available to re-derive access copy. Other formats: preservation copy is delivered directly (no separate access copy.

In some cases such as TextClass and HathiTrust this means that the access copies are derived on demand, since the preservation format and technology used to deliver the content are amenable to it. In other cases such as AV material stored in Dark Blue, it means that the goal is to store the preservation copy in such a way that it is accessible and that we can re-verify and re-derive access copies when needed. This means ensuring stable identifiers and links to the preservation copy as well as occasional verification that the preservation copy is intact. For some formats, this might require making an explicit commitment to preserve software and workflows necessary to re-generate derivatives.


These characteristics relate to how the system deals with metadata about the preserved content.

Descriptive metadata interoperability with other current systems

The choice of descriptive metadata elements are driven by needs around interoperability with external systems.

  • Fulcrum - Metadata is stored internally as RDF and will be mapped to other schema for external uses (e.g. Crossref).
  • HathiTrust - MARC records rather than custom metadata
  • DLXS (ImageClass, TextClass) - flexible metadata mapping is beneficial for metadata aggregation and facilitates searching across collections.

Interoperable metadata typically benefits reusability while constraining flexibility. HathiTrust benefits from the reusability of MARC metadata in a variety of contexts, but is currently struggling with the issue of how to store and make use of other kinds of metadata that doesn’t align well with MARC. In Samvera-based systems, RDF and Linked Data have the potential to allow us to benefit from standard vocabularies while allowing substantial flexibility and extensibility, but current use is limited and internal-facing only.

Descriptive metadata managed in external system

Descriptive metadata is managed separately from preservation storage of content, either to avoid implementation of functionality that already exists elsewhere or to allow descriptive metadata to vary independently from content.

  • Dark Blue (ArchivesSpace, Aleph)
  • HathiTrust (Zephir)
  • DLXS (TextClass) - (Aleph, Headra)
  • DLXS (ImageClass) - metadata is created and managed in a variety of other systems, typically housed with the source of the content, such as any one of the LSA museums.

This approach contrasts with storing and managing descriptive metadata in the system. Although HathiTrust, Dark Blue, and TextClass do not manage descriptive metadata directly, objects in those repositories still contains a static snapshot of the metadata at the time of deposit. They also contain links to the canonical location of descriptive metadata, either explicitly in the case of HathiTrust and Dark Blue or implicitly via the identifier in TextClass. When metadata already exists externally, this avoids the need to duplicate it inside the repository and keep it synchronized with the external source. It also minimizes the need to change objects in the repository if the metadata changes much more frequently than the content.

Descriptive metadata managed within system

Descriptive metadata is managed in the same system as the content to enable greater flexibility and so that metadata is preserved more directly alongside the content.

  • Fulcrum
  • Deep Blue Data
  • Deep Blue Docs

This choice is often made if the system is self-deposit. Storing metadata directly in the system potentially allows creation and editing of that metadata in the system, which can simplify the deposit and administration workflow for self-deposit. (While Fulcrum currently allows editing of metadata directly within the system, local practice is evolving to discourage this.) This choice might also be made if the metadata is idiosyncratic to specific kinds of objects or requires specialized management not available in other systems. Storing the metadata within the system increases the complexity of the repository, but has the benefit of keeping everything related to an object in a single location.

Choice of preserved metadata driven by access needs

Technical and descriptive metadata is only explicitly preserved with the content if it is needed when accessing the object, which aids in reducing demands on storage and in metadata processing.

  • Fulcrum (EPUB) - no additional technical metadata beyond Hyrax defaults; no structural metadata to describe the contents of the EPUB or how it links to other objects in the repository.
  • HathiTrust - minimal technical metadata stored in the METS;
  • DLXS - technical metadata is typically in the image file headers only

This contrasts with the approach of extracting and storing as much technical metadata as possible, which is not typically an approach our systems have taken. Generally, we have assumed that if tools are available to extract technical metadata at ingest time that the tools will still be available and that the preservation files will still be accessible. This approach does perhaps point to a need to preserve tools that can extract metadata on a long-term basis, or at least to monitor their ongoing viability. Given the continual decrease in the cost of storage, it may be less important now than in the past. There could still be a preservation role for this approach, though – a system could extract and store only those technical characteristics deemed “significant” enough to be worth preserving across format migrations.


The attributes that characterize and behaviors that maintain the viability of a system over time.

Low cost

Implementation decisions are made with the explicit purpose of lowering the cost per TB of preserved content.

  • Dark Blue - single-instance MiStorage with AWS
  • DLXS, Deep Blue Docs, Deep Blue Data - MiStorage

The initial storage systems for our repositories were bespoke and relatively expensive. As appropriately redundant storage becomes more commodified we can take advantage of that. In particular, we have migrated more and more repositories into campus storage rather than self-managed storage explicitly to lower cost both of hardware and staff time to manage storage. Dark Blue is currently serving as a pilot of lower-cost backup options, but HathiTrust will be moving in that direction as well.


Implementation decisions are made to allow very large amounts of content to be handled in the system.

  • HathiTrust - 16 million items, can ingest multiple TB/50,000+volumes per day, can audit fixity of entire repository on a quarterly basis; can reindex repository in a few weeks.
  • DLXS - designed to enable scaling of digital collection deployment, operation, and maintenance. Automation and coordination with content sources facilitate this as well.
  • Deep Blue Docs - use of APIs and integration with ArchiveMatica allows for batch ingest to be managed by the content provider (on an as needed basis).

Scaling up was important with DLXS and more so with HathiTrust (one of the largest digital libraries in the world.) Scalability is less of a concern to more “boutique” repositories like Fulcrum, and there is a question of whether Samvera-based repositories can scale to large amounts of content. While Dark Blue is initially more of a boutique repository, design decisions such as storage and ingest architecture were made to enable future scalability.

Re-use of platform/infrastructure

  • All of our repositories run on Linux servers and almost all use MySQL in some capacity.
  • Deep Blue Docs is the outlier here in terms of technology: DSpace (Java) with Postgres. There is some comfort gained by the fact there are a large number of DSpace repositories in the world.
  • DLXS - same code, multiple digital collections - initial development of TextClass was to move from developing one-off collections to shared code between collections.
  • Samvera / Fedora - there are large amounts of shared code being co-developed with other institutions, even if there is some customized to each system.
  • Dark Blue - also uses Ruby and Rails, although it doesn’t use any Samvera components.
  • Access layers like the Michigan Daily Digital Archives and Middle English Dictionary also use Blacklight (with Ruby and Rails), although they do not use Fedora as the backend, as is typical with other Samvera-based applications.

The original goal of DLXS was moving towards reusability within the organization. Linux & MySQL are already standard for our repositories. We have moved towards standardization of infrastructure as we work on new repository projects: Ruby and Rails for code; Blacklight and Solr for discoverability; Samvera and Fedora where there are needs around metadata management in the system or more elaborate front ends. Deep Blue is being migrated to Samvera. ObjectClass will also use these components. HathiTrust will likely be rewritten in the next few years to use Rails and Blacklight. We are also paying attention to the emerging OCFL standard, which Fedora and likely Dark Blue will adopt, and HathiTrust could adopt as well.

Community Partnership

Development of the service involves working together with other institutions to improve the quality of long-term preservation.

  • Fedora/Samvera-based systems: community is a major factor behind adoption
  • DLXS: open source with the exceptions of XPat, which required purchase of a license, and paid support (optional). Engaged with adopters regularly, occasionally received code contributions, consulted on priorities.
  • HathiTrust: in terms of content, policies, and programs, albeit not currently for code
  • DSpace: open source

Community engagement is perhaps the most nebulous of these principles in that the rest are first-order attributes of the technology or service, and the benefits of community engagement are primarily supportive, or second-order. For example, participating in defining formats and standards is useful for both maintaining parity with other implementations and connections with those institutions that have similar needs. Helping to define and adhering to a standard is largely an investment, rather than a direct goal. Certainly, there are occasions where a reference implementation is sufficient to reduce development cost, but the overriding value is in the alignment with others and the prospective interchange of content, implementation, vocabulary, and expertise.

Participating in the initiatives (and using the software) listed above is consistent with the public good mission of the University. Whether in terms of providing leadership, ensuring that our needs are visible, developing open source software, or simply using a given tool, the presence of the University is notable. We seek to invest our resources wisely into communities that can benefit from that investment, as we enjoy the rewards of collaborative endeavors, both individually and organizationally.